CRUZET 2 - 11 June 2008 =================== Installation: 1. RCMS 3.2.0 is installed. 2. XDAQ Build 6 3. POS_2_7_13 + (PixelSupervisor, PixelFunctionManager) Logging: 1. Each XDAQ process is forwarding messages to the RCMS Logging Collector 2. RCMS Logging Collector is forwarding to Central RCMS' Logging Collector 3. A Chainsaw can be attached to our Logging Collector. Messages can be split by Supervisor, Function Manager, severity level etc. 4. On clicking Destroy on the Function Manager, log files of all processes are moved from /tmp/ of the various machines to /nfshome0/pixelpro/TriDAS/pixel/PixelRun/Logs/Log_ddMMMyyyy_hh-mm-ss_GMT/xdaqjcPID*.log Run Numbers: 1. During calibrations, Run Numbers are retrieved from RunInfo by PixelSupervisor. Login & password are required. HDD: 1. Are they ready? -Souvik